Pokemon Sun and Moon demo launches October 18, starter evolutions revealed, more
Use Ash's Greninja in the upcoming demo.
The Pokemon Company has shared the latest information, video, and screenshots of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, confirming the release of a demo on October 18, revealing the three starter Pokemon’s evolutions, and detailing a host of other new features.
Dartrix is extremely sensitive to other presences in the area and can detect opponents behind it and throw feathers to strike them without even seeing them. This Pokemon conceals sharp-bladed feathers inside its wings, showing astounding precision as it sends them flying in attack. And it goes beyond propelling its blade quills in simple straight lines—it can even bend these feathers to change their trajectories!
Revealing a certain snobbiness in its personality, Dartrix cares a great deal about its appearance, grooming its feathers in every spare moment. In truth, it’s also a bit of a birdbrain, with a tendency to bungle things up. Once it makes a mistake, it sometimes gets into a desperate struggle to gloss over the situation and ends up making a bigger mess than ever.
At times, this Pokemon feels so bothered by its dirty or ruffled feathers that it can’t focus on battle. When it loses its focus, it sometimes even retires from the battle on the spot! It’s up to each Trainer to help Dartrix overcome this troublesome stage. If this Pokemon is with a Trainer who helps it through, its strength will grow hugely!
The bell-like object attached at the base of Torracat’s neck is a flame sac, an organ that can produce flames. Torracat’s emotions cause a rise in the organ’s temperature, and when the organ spits flames, it rings with the high, clear sound of a bell. Torracat attacks using the flames emitted from this bell.
Torracat’s mane serves as an excellent sensory organ, and it can sense what’s going on around it—even in the dark! It can also detect the presence of hidden enemies.
Torracat has a great love for battle and will attack so relentlessly that its opponents lose the will to fight. And yet it sometimes behaves like spoiled child in front of Trainers or Pokemon with whom it has built a relationship of trust.
The cat punch that this Pokemon can dish out with its strong forelegs is extremely powerful. It can bend iron bars and knock out large men with a single blow!
Brionne learns its dances by imitating the other members of its colony. It sometimes even learns dances from humans. This Pokemon is a hard worker and pours itself into its efforts until it has memorized each dance. As it dances, Brionne creates balloon after balloon. In battle, it first sends its opponent into disarray with its dancing, and then slaps its balloons into its target, causing the balloons to explode and deal damage.
Brionne can dance in perfect time with others, even if they have only just met. On moonlit nights, you can sometimes see throngs of Brionne dancing as one, in perfect fluidity.
Brionne always acts cheery and positive. Even when it’s feeling sad, this Pokemon doesn’t allow its sorrow to show. It’s said that Brionne will only reveal a sad expression to a Pokemon or Trainer to whom it has opened its heart completely.
Ash-Greninja has powered up thanks to the strength of its bonds with Ash. This is the form Greninja takes when it has gained new power due to the miraculous occurrence known as the bond phenomenon. This can be brought on by the bonds between people and Pokemon. It seems that it has only known to have occurred once—several hundred years ago.
Ash-Greninja’s leg strength has been enhanced compared to an ordinary Greninja, making it difficult to see because of the speed at which it can move. It takes its enemies out in a flash! It becomes able to make giant Water Shurikens on its back, and it can throw them in rapid succession.
Greninja that can become Ash-Greninja have an Ability that no Pokemon has ever had before—Battle Bond. The Battle Bond Ability triggers this Pokemon’s form change to Ash-Greninja after it causes an opponent’s Pokemon to faint. When the battle ends, the Pokemon returns to its original Greninja form. This form is only for battles where it needs to break the limits!
The Pokemon Global Link, the website that links to Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, is due to be updated and reopened on Friday, November 18, in sync with the launch of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
With the release of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, the Pokemon Global Link—the website that connects Pokemon players around the world—will end its current Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Pokemon X, and Pokemon Y service and will be updated to work with Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. New functions added in the update will let you enjoy Pokemon battles even more!
Rating Battles against Trainers around the World
Rating Battles are where the Trainers of the world battle with their favored Pokemon to decide who’s the strongest Trainer of all. After becoming a member of the Pokemon Global Link and registering your Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game, you’ll be able to use the website. There will be some changes in the battle formats and methods with the update for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. Details below!
Battle Rules
The three existing sets of battle rules for Rating Battles (Single, Double, Special), will be increased to four with the addition of a new set of battle rules for the Championships Battle format.
Single – Trainers send Pokemon into battle one at a time.
Double – Trainers send Pokemon into battle two at a time.
Special – Each season, a set of special rules takes effect, allowing Trainers to experience a form of battle different from the usual Single or Double Battles. In a special Season 1, which will begin November 18, this special format is anticipated to be a Single Battle format where you’ll be able to participate with Pokemon that cannot take part under other battle rules: the Legendary Pokemon Solgaleo and Lunala, the Magearna that can be obtained through the QR Scanner, the Ash-Greninja obtainable through the Special Demo Version, and others!
New Rules for Championship Battles
The new fourth set of rules will allow Trainers to play year-round using the official rules set for the Pokemon World Championships, the competition that’s held every year to decide the world’s strongest Pokemon Trainers. You’ll be able to experience the WCS2017 rules right from the start, beginning on Friday, November 18.
The main points of the Pokemon WCS 2017 rules are:
Double Battle format is limited to Pokemon that appear in the Alola Region Pokedex (excluding some Legendary and Mythical Pokemon).
Use of Mega Stones is not allowed.
Only Pokemon that can be obtained in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon may be entered.
“Your Time” System for Rating Battles
A new system being introduced to the battle time settings is “Your Time.” When using this method of time accounting, players will have a maximum of 60 seconds each turn to select a move or Pokemon, and they will also each be awarded 10 minutes of “Your Time.” Under these rules, if a player runs out of their 10 minutes before the battle ends, that player loses the match. This will mean matches can be decided more quickly than in the past, allowing players to enjoy thrilling battles.
Note: The exclusion of certain Legendary and Mythical Pokemon from Single and Double Battle regulations remains the same as in the past.
Note: In addition to the Pokemon obtainable in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, Pokemon obtainable in Pokemon X, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Omega Ruby, and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire will also become eligible to use under the regulations for Single and Double Rating Battles for a set time after the update to Pokemon Bank in January 2017.
Note: At a later date, special rules are anticipated for Rating Battles and Live Competitions that will allow the use of Pokemon brought into Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon from the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console software titles Pokemon Red, Pokemon Blue, and Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition.
Battle with Other Players’ Pokemon
In Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, you can register Pokemon that you often use in Battle Teams, which can contain anywhere from one to six Pokemon. You can set up a maximum of six Battle Teams, and the same Pokemon can be registered to several Battle Teams simultaneously.
When the Pokemon Global Link is updated for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, a new feature will be available—QR Rental Teams. Players will be able to publicly share their own teams and to use Battle Teams designed by other players. Public Battle Teams can be used by scanning in their QR Code patterns from the Pokemon Global Link. You can take part in Link Battles and certain Rating Battles using a Battle Team you’ve rented. You may even be able to try battling using the Pokemon of expert players, like the victors of the World Championships!
Global Missions Are Starting
Global missions are limited-time events that give Trainers around the world a shared mission via Festival Plaza in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, and they will be held at regular intervals. The theme of the first global mission will be “Catch a lot of Pokemon!” It’s expected to go live in late November. What’s it all about? Why, this mission is about catching a lot of Pokemon—regardless of their species!
The number of Pokemon needed, along with other goals to achieve, will be announced on the Pokemon Global Link immediately before the mission goes live. Keep an eye peeled for the reward you can receive for completing the mission—and remember to invite your friends to join in, too!
Note: You must register your game on the PGL to see your global mission results reflected.
Note: To help celebrate the opening of the PGL, we hope to give out a special gift to all PGL members after our first successful global mission!
Host Your Own Friendly Competitions
On the new PGL, you’ll be able to compete in official Online Competitions as in the past, but now there’s more! A new Friendly Competition feature has been constructed that will allow you to become a competition host yourself and host original competitions where you set the regulations. Friendly Competitions allow you to hold competitions in two different styles. Recruit your friends and enjoy climactic battles!
Online Competitions
In these Internet competitions, you’ll battle other participants you’ve been matched with and compete for the best rating. These competitions can be open to Pokemon Trainers all around the world, or they can be set to only allow pre-approved Trainers to enter. When the number of participants exceeds a certain number, Pokemon ranking will also be calculated, just as in official Online Competitions.
Live Competitions
Live Competitions allow you to host a competition where you gather together with friends and others in the same space. The Digital Player ID that contains the regulations will be created as a QR Code, and by scanning in that QR Code, participants will be able to battle according to the competition’s regulations.
A select number of Pokemon were able to Mega Evolve in Pokemon Omega Ruby, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Pokemon X, and Pokemon Y. As long as you’re in possession of the proper Mega Stone, any of these Mega-Evolving Pokemon that can be caught in the Alola region will be able to Mega Evolve in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, as well. The Mega Stones for Pokemon that appear in the Alola region may be received from people in the game or obtained from special shops.
What is Mega Evolution?
Mega Evolution is an Evolution that goes beyond all previous Pokemon Evolutions. Pokemon that Mega Evolve temporarily unleash the power hidden within them, tapping into a strength that would be beyond imagining in regular Evolution.
There are two conditions that must be fulfilled for Mega Evolution to occur. First, Trainers must wear a special item called a Key Stone, while Pokemon must hold a specific Mega Stone for their particular species. Second, a Trainer must have a strong bond with his or her Pokemon in order for these two items to resonate with each other.
Mega Evolution can only be triggered once per battle, and deciding which Pokemon to Mega Evolve—and when—can be crucial in deciding the outcome of a battle.
Beginning October 18, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version will be available in Nintendo eShop. This is your chance to meet the Pokemon that can be found in November 18’s Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon! Ash-Greninja, the Pokemon that appears with the hero Ash in the animated TV series Pokemon the Series: XYZ, will also appear in this game as a member of your team—you can adventure together!
Bring Ash-Greninja into Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon
You can bring this Greninja, which is able to turn into Ash-Greninja, to your full version of Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon (after launch) once you’ve completed your adventure together in the Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version.
Two Ways to Download
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version can be downloaded in two ways.
Download It from Nintendo’s Homepage
If you log in to the Nintendo homepage using the Nintendo account linked to your Nintendo 3DS system’s Nintendo Network ID, you can download Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version to your linked Nintendo 3DS system.
Please visit Nintendo.com for more details on downloading software from the Nintendo homepage.
Download It from the Nintendo eShop
On a Nintendo 3DS system with a linked Nintendo Network ID, open the Nintendo eShop, and you can download Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version.
Please visit Nintendo.com for more details on downloading software from the Nintendo eShop.
In Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, there’s a feature known as Poke Pelago, which Pokemon that have been placed in Boxes can enjoy. Poke Pelago consists of a variety of isles where Pokemon can go exploring, play on athletic equipment, and enjoy other fun activities. If you send many Pokemon to Poke Pelago, you can develop the facilities on your isles—and develop new kinds of isles as well. As these isles are developed and increase in number, you’ll be able to do things like obtain items or raise your Pokemon.
Pokemon visiting Isle Abeens, which you can visit from the start, may sometimes choose to join your party. A Pokemon that displays a heart icon in the bubble above its head has taken a liking to you!
In Isle Aphun, which you can use once you develop it, you may be able to obtain valuable items.
In Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, communication features such as battling and trading are all gathered together in Festival Plaza. This is a place where the festivities never stop, as Pokemon Trainers from around the world meet and mingle.
As you progress through your adventure, you’ll become able to use Festival Plaza, where you can welcome other people and take requests to keep things hopping. Talk to your visitors to liven things up!
Show visitors around so they can enjoy the festival!
Captain Sophocles is the Festival Plaza Owner.
Connect with Other Players
People playing Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon near you and players from around the world who are connected to the Internet will visit Festival Plaza, and you can enjoy playing with them using a variety of communication features, including battling and trading.
Shop With Festival Coins
By talking to people and listening to their requests, you can receive Festival Coins, which you can spend in Festival Plaza. There are all kinds of cool stores in Festival Plaza, such as goody shops where you can get deals on items, bouncy houses for Pokemon to train in, and dye houses where you can dye your clothes new colors.
The rank of your Festival Plaza increases based on the number of Festival Coins you gather. As its rank goes up, you’ll receive rewards—and the things that you can do in Festival Plaza will also increase!
Tackle Missions as a Team
As your Festival Plaza’s rank goes up, you’ll gain the ability to host missions, where multiple players can try to complete a certain goal together. Missions can be attempted with other players you connect to via local wireless or the Internet. It also seems that global missions will sometimes be held, in which everyone playing Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon can work together to achieve a goal!
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are due out for 3DS on November 18 in North America and November 23 in Europe.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.