Mirada Studios, a video production studio founded by movie director Guillermo del Toro, was contracted to work on a “Fallout 4 cinematic trailer,” according to the LinkedIn resume of freelance 3D artist Luis Nieves.
Nieves lists working as a “contract 3D artist” on the trailer between December 2014 and March 2015. The artist had previously worked with Blur Studio on Far Cry 4 and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim trailers, as well with Microsoft on Forza Motorsport 5.
While nothing has been confirmed, it has been rumored that Bethesda will officially announce Fallout 4 at its E3 press conference on June 14.
Thanks, VideoGamer.
Update 1:20 p.m.: Mirada Studio e-mailed Gematsu this afternoon demanding this story be removed, calling it “a violation of the company NDA at Mirada and inaccurate.” That said, as we did not sign and violate NDA (but thank you kindly for letting us know that someone at Mirada did), we will not be removing this story.