The design for recently revealed Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII character Lumina was created not by Lightning illustrator Tetsuya Nomura, but by Toshiyuki Itahana, who previously designed download costumes for Final Fantasy XIII-2, this week’s Famitsu reveals.
The weekly magazine has new tidbits of information following last week’s online previews. The fight scene with Noel depicted in the extended trailer has to do with a process involving the release of Noel’s soul—but somehow ends up becoming a battle.
Other bits:
- The Active Time Battle (ATB) system is the busiest it’s ever been.
- Players can perform style changes in an instant.
- When you press a button, the command is immediately invoked.
- You use the ATB in the field more and dash less.
- There is an action to slide down sand dunes, too.
- In the demonstration shown to Famitsu, Lightning was shown wearing a Violet Dress, Rapier Sword, and Rose Patterned Shield.
And some bits from a Tetsuya Nomura interview (presumably on Lightning’s new outfit):
- The order was for “a body suit of leather.”
- The image for both arms was of a spinal cord.
- The shield and sunglasses may have been designed by someone else.
Thanks, Game Nyarth.