Release Dates
Mar 14 2024

UNABLES is an arcade video game developed and published by 9UNZ. The console versions are published by Forever Entertainment.


UNABLES is really something else.

It’s an idea, a lifestyle, an anti-movement and a brand new comedy game with innovative, arcade gameplay. The cartoon world of UNABLES was spoiled by extreme laziness. What do you do when game characters are so lazy, that even you are unable to control them?

Short Story Long.

Sit back, relax your rear muscles and imagine a world where everyone just lies down and does nothing at all. Bullet-time all-the-time. One might argue that doing nothing is still doing something, but how did they all survive up to this point—nobody knows. How did they even evolve from a single-cell organism being this lazy?

Don’t even ask what would have happened to them if we were not here to “help”. Imagine cities not destroyed by giant monsters, no zombie outbreaks, no lucha libre prison fights… Needles to say, these unables are so lucky we’re here.

Social Anti-Movement

Meet our diverse cast of characters: regular people, regular people in spacesuits, robots, kaijus, cats, vampires, zombies, dinosaurs, ghosts etc. all having this one little thing in common—they seem to have their “Do Nothing” skill maxed out. As far as we know, they are not going to help themselves out, so now you get to be the leg that kicks their lazy butts.

Playing UNABLES is also about ruining pretty dioramas. Hygge no more. And Ying always hated Yang. You cause havok by throwing stuff around like them evil babies throw their dirty diapers. Your goal is to literally push our heroes towards achieving their life goals. Use your joystick to flip ’em up – it’s not like someone would stand up now and say you can’t.

Bullet Points

UNABLES will feature gameplay and design aspects you have never seen before, as well as some ideas you have probably seen a lot. Play 15 unique levels and reveal all the secrets!

  • Innovative Gameplay – Like Rubik’s Cube and a maze game had a baby.
  • Eye-Popping Cartoon Art Style – Top notch visuals for your top notch tastes.
  • 15 Unique Levels – Each one with a twist, demanding a bit of a different approach.
  • Stand-Up Lie Down Comedy Show – Live, funny and interactive.
  • Unlockables, Secrets, and Random Surprises – Find out for yourself, no spoilers!
  • Dioramas – Who doesn’t love ’em some dioramas?

UNABLES Trailers