Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth Early Access ‘Stages 3 and 4’ update delayed to January 2021
No longer due out in November.
Publisher PLAYISM and developers Why So Serious? and Team Ladybug have delayed the “Stages 3 and 4” update for the Steam Early Access version of Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth from its previously planned November release window to January 2021.
According to the companies, the following points are being worked on for the update in response to user feedback:
- Addition of other language support for the pause and key config menus.
- Addition of volume and other settings to the pause menu.
- Addition of gamepad rumble support.
- A new Game Manual, which can be checked in game at any time.
- The resolution of the text font will be doubled, for ease of viewing.
- From Stage 3 there will be new enemies which can inflict faint, poison and burn status effects.
- Aiming the bow has been adjusted to slow down while holding down the backdash button.
- New mini games.
Watch a new gameplay video below.