Publisher Microids and developers Pendulo Studios and YS Interactive have delayed Blacksad: Under the Skin from its previously planned September 26 release date to November 5.
According to Microids, “The team will use this extra time to polish the game with only one goal in mind: deliver the best possible experience to our players.”
Here is a brief overview of the game, via Microids:
The 50s, New York City: Joe Dunn, owner of a boxing club, is found dead. Meanwhile, rising star Bobby Yale, due to take to the ring for the most important fight of his career, has mysteriously disappeared. Sonia Dunn, Joe’s daughter, takes over the gym and must deal with its financial woes. She hires private detective John Blacksad to investigate Yale’s disappearance. The highly anticipated boxing match of the year is drawing closer and the club’s finances would not survive a no show from Bobby Yale. During its investigation, John Blacksad will find himself swimming with sharks in a universe where corruption is everywhere.
If you missed it last week, watch the first in a series of developer diaries here.