Dragon Ball FighterZ producer Tomoko Hiroki teased the reveal of a “FighterZ Pass Season 2” for the Dragon Ball FighterZ World Tour Finals 2018-19, which runs from January 26 to 27, during the Dragon Ball Games Super Showcase.
“Yes,” Hiroki said when asked about a FighterZ Pass Season 2. “I really want to say it, but please wait until the FighterZ Finals.”
The first FighterZ Pass added eight additional character to the game: Bardock, Broly, Cooler, Vegito (SSGSS), Fused Zamasu, Base Goku, and Base Vegeta.
Additionally, Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 producer Masayuki Hirano teased the announcement of something entirely different during the same event.
“We said that new information on FighterZ would be coming during the Finals,” Hirano said. “But we’re also planning to release other big news. Of course we’ll continue to support Super Dragon Ball Heroes while also doing the same for Xenoverse 2 and FighterZ, but this new information is something different.”
Masayuku continued, “We’re hoping to bring information that would please Dragon Ball as a whole. We hope you will look forward to that. We mentioned many things here today, but we already have the next steps in mind so we hope everyone looks forward to that. The V-Jump published by Shueisha in Japan has some hints on the information coming during the World Tour Final, so it may be difficult for our audience to get their hands on that, but we will gradually release new information. For the month of January, we hope to keep things exciting, so I hope you’ll look out for it.”
Dragon Ball FighterZ is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.