Nicalis announced Blade Strangers, a crossover fighting game developed by Studio Saizensen featuring characters from Cave Story, Code of Princess, and Umihara Kawase, for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC.
Blade Strangers will feature Story, Mission, Versus, Training, and Online modes, and is said to mix the dynamics and speed of Guilty Gear and Street Fighter with the easy inputs of Super Smash Bros. Characters were created as 3D models, then converted to 2D sprites. Story Mode will have cutscenes, characters clashing, and so on, and is described as like a traditional arcade mode. Mission Mode will give players specific tasks. Training Mode will let players train with a dummy. Stages will be taken from the actual games represented. More characters will be announced later on. Updates are planned post-release.
Watch the first gameplay footage below.
Thanks, Nintendo Everything.