The “Last Chance Trial” for Nioh, announced for Japan earlier this morning as the final demo, will run from January 21 to 22 in North America and Europe, publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment announced.
The demo will be available for download on the PlayStation Store later today, but won’t be playable until January 21.
Those who clear the demo can earn a number of rewards. You will get the “Ogress Headgear” for clearing the Main Mission, whereas completing the Twilight Mission will give you one more chance to secure the “Mark of the Conqueror” and “Mark of the Strong” from last year’s Alpha and Beta demos.
You will need to keep your save data from the Last Chance Trial in order to access the Ogress Headgear in the final game. As for “Mark of the Conqueror” and “Mark of the Strong,” you will be prompted to download content that you will also need to keep on your PlayStation 4 until launch. Visit the “Boons” at the in-game shrines to claim your rewards.
Nioh is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 7 in North America, February 8 in Europe, and February 9 in Japan.
Watch a trailer for the demo below.