Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates and Bayonetta from the Bayonetta series will be added to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and for Nintendo 3DS as playable characters in the afternoon on February 3, Nintendo announced at Tokaigi 2016.
Corrin will launch at $4.99 for each platform, or $5.99 for both platforms together. The character will be playable in both male and female variations. The add-on will include two songs from Fire Emblem Fates. The 3DS version will also add trophies of Ryoma and Xander from Fire Emblem Fates.
Bayonetta will launch at $5.99 for each platform, or $6.99 for both platforms together. She comes in two variations: the blue costume from Bayonetta 2 and the original costume from the first game. There’s also a color variation inspired by Jeanne. The add-on will include the “Umbra Clock Tower” stage from the original Bayonetta, as well as some songs from both Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2, and Bayonetta, Jeane, Rodin, and Cereza trophies, too.
Watch a new pair of videos below.
Bayonetta vs. Corrin