New Moero game to be announced this week
Announcement expected in this week's Dengeki PlayStation.
Compile Heart is teasing a new entry in its Genkai Tokki series, which currently consists of PS Vita titles Monster Monpiece and Moero Chronicle. A countdown website launched tonight promises a “big announcement” in this week’s issue of Dengeki PlayStation.
The game’s title is teased on the website with empty spaces: “○○凸○ ○エロクリ○○○.” The first four characters presumably make up “限界凸記,” or “Genkai Tokki,” while the first three of the second word are most likely “モエロ,” for “Moero.” The first two of the last five are “クリ,” or “Kuri.” That said, with five characters total, it can make up a number of words, like “クリスマス,” or “Christmas,” or “クリニック,” or “Clinic.” Those are just examples, of course.
The website’s countdown ends in three days.