Bandai Namco has announced a Season Pass for Dragon Ball Xenoverse, as well as detailed new characters set to appear in the upcoming game.
The $24.99 Season Pass will include access to three different add-on packs:
- DLC Pack 1 (Available in March 2015)
- 3 playable characters: GT Goku, Pan & GT Trunks
- 4 Time Patrol quests
- 12 Quests
- 15 Special Moves for the players’ avatars
- 5 costumes
- DLC Pack 2
- Exclusive Playable Characters
- Quests
- Special moves
- Costumes
- DLC Pack 3
- Turtle Hermit set (sunglasses, Turtle Hermit’s Shell, Turtle Hermit’s Beard, Turtle Hermit’s Aloha Shirt)
- Jaco the Space Patroller playable character
- More highly exclusive content
Each pack can also be purchased separately for $9.99.
As for the new characters, Mira and Towa, the game’s antagonists, managed to get their hands on a number of Dragon Ball Z characters and turn them into “Villainous” foes. These include: Gotenks, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Androids, and even the Great Apes. They also made Vegeta join the Ginyu Army, and granted Nappa the ability to transform into a Great Ape.
Also new in today’s update are Omega Shenron and Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on February 24 in North America and February 27 in Europe. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.