Nordic Games: “There will be a future for Darksiders”
"Definitely don’t pull it off the radar. Just watch out."
There will be a future for Darksiders, IP owner Nordic Games assured. Speaking to GenGAME at E3 last month, Nordic product development director Reinhard Pollice said the team is currently “looking at all possible design directions for the Darksiders franchise.”
“I think the Darksiders franchise is well lined out, in terms of what gameplay mechanics worked out really well,” Pollice said. “Darksiders I and II teased certain things and obviously we don’t want to disappoint people. So we really want to sit back a bit, take a look at what possible angles we can take for the next Darksiders game, and also work with the right people on that.”
As for the staff behind the original two games, including Darksiders II creative director Joe Madureira and former Vigil Games boss David Adams, Pollice said that Nordic is “talking to those guys, but that’s all I want to say right now.”
Back in May, Madureira said Nordic “seems very committed to continuing the series,” and hinted at his possible involvement.
While Pollice didn’t say whether Nordic was close to any sort of announcement, he did offer the following:
“Definitely don’t pull it off the radar. Just watch out. Check out what we’re announcing. There will be a future for Darksiders. There has to be a future for Darksiders and it will be awesome. Darksiders is always awesome and it will continue to be awesome. It’s a rule. That’s like a rule. In the rules of the world, it is written, Darksiders must be be awesome, or is awesome.”
Thanks, NeoGAF.