Super Smash Bros. director impressed with PlayStation 4
Masahiro Sakurai shares impressions on Sony's new console in Famitsu.
In the latest issue of Famitsu, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and for Nintendo 3DS director Masahiro Sakurai shared his impressions on PlayStation 4 during a column.
The Sora Ltd. and Project Sora founder, mostly known for working on Nintendo platforms, is generally open about his appreciation of other platforms.
“Let me begin by saying that I don’t care for faction wars like Nintendo versus SCEJA,” Sakurai opened in the column.
“PlayStation 4 is good-looking, the DualShock 4 is light and using it feels good, Remote Play can reliably handle even action games, and the network functionality is well done. The machine power is another attractive factor, there is no loss of detail in the image, and it looks so natural and spontaneous that you often forget that you’re playing a game.”
He continued, “It’s a good thing if creators can make stylish games without putting in a ton of time on that. I hope that a masterpiece will come with bells tolling. This is definitely not a period that will leave us without the possibility of playing rich games.”
Thanks, Sokuho@Hokanko.