Sony Computer Entertainment and Unity Technologies, which provides the Unity multiplatform game engine, have announced a “strategic partnership” to offer “Unity for PlayStation“—Unity with “optimized deployment” for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and PlayStation Mobile.
Through the partnership, developers with a license to create games for PlayStation will be able to build games “without spending many resources on complex programming processes,” and “easily port” their games to PlayStation platforms. Games developed through the platform will be made available on the PlayStation Store. Unity will also allow developers to create games for future PlayStation cloud services.
Developers who utilize Unity for PlayStation will also gain access to the Unity Community, where a “wealth of tips and tutorials, freely shared scripts and shaders, dozens of helpful books,” and “over 6000 asset packages,” which are “often available for free or at nominal cost,” are available to use.
Unity for PlayStation platform development tools are scheduled to ship this fall.