Our first glimpse of Sideway: New York, Playbrains’ new PlayStation Network game and unique take on side-scrolling platformers, came at the San Diego Comic-Con.
Now on full display, Sideway is a surprising downloadable. You play as a graffiti man running across the buildings of New York, dimensions changing as you enter any of the structure’s 3-Dimensional turns. As Playbrains’ studio director Scott Simpson describes it, “you painted over the wrong dude’s tag, and that you, in fact, are now a moving 2D painting in a 3D world.” It also supports local drop-in, drop-out co-op.
Sideway: New York is currently playable at Sony Online Entertainment’s booth at Comic-Con. Those at home can get a first glimpse of the title via new screenshots and a reveal trailer put out today.
View the new screenshots at the gallery.
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