Sucker Punch reveals inFAMOUS 2 mission creator

inFAMOUS 2 will adopt a small piece of the ‘Play, Create, and Share’ genre. Sucker Punch has announced their “big secret” at GDC, and it’s an inFAMOUS 2 mission creator.
The system allows players to place enemies, objects, and other obstacles in New Marais; then freely apply stories, mission types, and XP amount earned after completion to the mission. A trailer shown at the reveal listed a variety of mission types including: Defense, Escort, Search and Destroy, Survival, Shooting Gallery, Platforming, and Obstacle Course. Though, according to Sucker Punch, the possibilities as to what users can create are endless.
User-created missions are uploaded to the server where other players can play the game straight from their map. Say you were interested in playing a new puzzle mission — you’d select that criteria, sort by newest, and the newest missions in the puzzle criteria would pop up on the map. After completing the mission, you can rate can then rate it. Rankings range from “Famous” (people like it) to “Sucker Punch Featured Content” (the developers themselves recommend it).
Sign-ups for a beta will begin later this month on March 14. All missions created during the testing phase will be erased come the game’s full release, however, Sucker Punch said that the most popular content will be kept and featured as the first set of “Sucker Punch Featured Content”.
Thanks, IGN.