Publisher Team17 and developer Sassy Chap Games have delayed sandbox dating simulation game Date Everything! from its previously planned February 14 release date to sometime in June. It will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Switch, and PC via Steam.
Here is a message from Sassy Chap Games lead designer Ray Chase on the delay:
To our fellow Dateviators,
Since we last updated you on development, We have been extremely hard at work finishing work on Date Everything! And at this point I can confidently say that we have reached that point where the game is complete to a standard that we feel reached our goals with no compromise in our bonkers artistic vision.
However… I was too confident that we could properly test ALL the wild amount of content and pathing that exists in this massive game, and unfortunately we ran out of time on our current (and yet so appropriate) release date of February 14, 2025.
Our bug list is finally starting to dwindle down as QA gets through the labyrinthine story pathing, but to submit our game in the state with so many outstanding glitches would be doing you a disservice. We have our final release date set for June 2025. And while it isn’t quite as sexy a date as Valentine’s Day, we hope we can bring new sexiness to June evermore. And yes, you actually can date the glitches. Their name is Daemon and I am currently in a love / hate relationship with them.
—Ray Chase, Lead Designer