Tsugunohi -Supernatural Supermarket- is the tenth story in the Tsugunohihorror series. It requires users own the Tsugunohi base game (Steam page), which includes the previous nine stories.
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Tsugunohi -Supernatural Supermarket-, a free game version of which was released on December 22, 2022, is finally available on Steam today, February 1, 2023.
This game is the “culmination” of the Tsugunohi series, which has reached its 10th anniversary, and has more horror scenes than any other game in its history. The number of horror scenes that attack the player during the game is the largest ever. The combination of eerie words that send chills down your spine when you understand their meaning and background music that stirs up your fears will lead you further and further into the world of the story.
The Steam version of the game will be available in six languages: Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Spanish. The different languages allow you to experience different horror tastes in the same scene. The “special words” that appear in the film are also presented in different ways in each translated version to create a sense of disaster.
—Simplified Chinese
—Traditional Chinese
In addition to the dialogue spoken by the characters, we have also translated the text and some of the backgrounds that appear in the work, so please pay attention to them.