343 Industries founder Bonnie Ross departs
Ross attending to a family medical issue.
343 Industries founder and studio head Bonnie Ross has left the studio to attend to a family medical issue, she announced.
According to a Windows Central report, 343 Industries production lead Pierre Hintze will become head of the studio effective immediately, while the senior leadership team will expand with new roles, including Bryan Koski as general manager of franchise and Elizabeth Van Wyck as head of business and operations.
Get the full message from Ross on her departure below.
While I had hoped to stay with Halo until we released the Winter Update [for Halo Infinite], I am letting you know I will be leaving 343 and attending to a family medical issue.
I am incredibly proud of the work everyone at 343 Industries has done with Halo Infinite, the Master Chief Collection, the Halo television series, and so much more. It has been an honor to serve alongside the team for the last 15 years and to be a part of a universe that I love.
Thank you to everyone in the Halo community for your support. Halo‘s future is bright. I cannot wait for all of you to experience what we have in store—and to cheer alongside you, as a fan, at the Halo World Championship in October!
Bonnie Ross