ANONYMOUS;CODE will launch for PlayStation 4 and Switch in fall 2021 in Japan, publisher MAGES. and developer Chiyomaru Studio announced. The previously planned PS Vita version is no longer in development.
According to MAGES., while ANONYMOUS;CODE was in development for PS Vita, it decided to cancel the PS Vita version after considering the current market for PS Vita games and its discontinued production.
Here is all of our major ANONYMOUS;CODE coverage so far:
- Announcement
- Story
- Pollon, Momo, Cross, and Arecibo Message
- The Ghost and Brain-machine Interface
- Team Azoth and Graper
- Bambi Kurashina and Cyber Force Doll idol unit
- GAI Computer Corporation and GAIA Earth Simulator
- Vatican Hacker Agent, Third Secret of Famita, and Gaudi Code
- Save & Load, Hacking Trigger, and character animations
Watch a new trailer below. Visit the official website here.