Project Sakura Wars Japanese DLC schedule announced
Costumes, accessories, and PlayStation 4 dynamic themes.
Sega has announced the lineup of post-launch downloadable content costumes and accessories, as well as PlayStation 4 dynamic themes for Project Sakura Wars.
Get the full lineup below.
■ Costumes and Accessories
A Season Pass including all of the costume and accessory content listed below will be available for 4,000 yen.
Imperial Capital Tribute Costume & BGM Set (900 yen) – December 12
A tribute to the Imperial Combat Revue: Floral Divisions of Sakura Wars and Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou koto Nakare, this set includes six outfits for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris. Two background musics, from Sakura Wars and Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamou koto Nakare, can also be set in the game.
Paris and New York Tribute Costume & BGM Set (900 yen) – December 19
A tribute to the Paris Combat Revue: Floral Division of Sakura Wars 3: Is Paris Burning? and New York Combat Revue: Star Division of Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love, this set includes five costumes for Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris. Two background musics, from Sakura Wars 3: Is Paris Burning? and Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love, can also be set in the game.
Glasses Accessory Set (300 yen) – December 19
Includes glasses accessory for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris.
Lounge Wear Costume Set (800 yen) – January 9, 2020
Includes lounge wear costumes for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris.
Angel Accessory Set< (300 yen) – January 9, 2020
Includes angel accessory for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris.
Theatrical Costume Set (800 yen) – January 16, 2020
Includes theatrical costumes for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris.
Dog Tail Accessory Set (300 yen) – January 16, 2020
Includes dog tail accssory for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris.
Bathing Suit Set (800 yen) – January 23, 2020
Includes bathing suit costumes for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris. (There are no beachside scenes in the game.)
Cat Ears Accessory Set (300 yen) – January 23, 2020
Includes cat ears accessory for Seijuro Kamiyama, Sakura Amamya, Hatsuho Shinonome, Azami Mochizuki, Anatasia, and Claris.
■ PlayStation 4 Dynamic Themes
Imperial Combat Revue: Floral Division PlayStation 4 Dynamic Theme (227 yen) – December 12
Features the song “Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan [Shinshou]” sung by the members of the Imperial Combat Revue: Floral Division.
Shanghai Combat Reveue PlayStation 4 Dynamic Theme (227 yen) – December 12
Features the song “Niji no Kanata” sung by Huang Yui voice actor Sumire Uesaka.
London Combat Revue PlayStation 4 Dynamic Theme (227 yen) – December 12
Features the song “Entaku no Kishi” sung by Lancelot voice ator Manami Numakura.
Berlin Combat Revue PlayStation 4 Dynamic Theme (227 yen) – December 12
Features the song “Kurogane no Hoshi” sung by Elise voice actor Nana Mizuki.
Project Sakura Wars is due out for PlayStation 4 on December 12 in Japan, and in spring 2020 in North America and Europe. A demo is available now in Japan. Read more about the game here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Watch a trailer for the downloadable content below (from 26:56 to 28:26). View a set of screenshots at the gallery.