Multiple Diablo projects in development, reveal teased for later in 2018
"The forges here at Blizzard are burning hot."
Blizzard Entertainment has “multiple Diablo projects” in development and “may have some things to show you later this year,” community manager Brandy Camel said in a video update today titled, “The Future of Diablo.”
Get the full message and transcript below.
Greetings heroes, I am community manager Brandy Camel, also known as Nevalistis.
On behalf of the Diablo team, welcome back to Sanctuary for our newest season. For those of you still rocking your heroes in Reaper of Souls, you might have noticed we did something a little bit different for Season 14: Themed Seasons.
The Season of Greed is our first Themed Season and we plan to explore additional themes in the future. If you like to know more, click the link in the video description below.
We’d also like to let you know that the forges here at Blizzard are burning hot. And we have multiple Diablo projects in the works. Some of them are going to take longer than others. But… we may have some things to show you later this year.
We hope you stay tuned, while we work to bring these Diablo experiences to life. None of this would be possible without the support that you have shown us for over 20 years.
So whether you first joined us in Diablo III or you are a seasoned veteran, thank you. Diablo is, and always will be, part of Blizzard’s identity, and we can’t wait for the future.