Impact Winter will launch for PC via Steam on April 12, and digitally for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this year, publisher Bandai Namco announced.
The post-apocalyptic survival game puts players in the role of Jacob Solomon, survivor of an extinction level event caused by a giant asteroid impacting Earth. The resulting devastation and death caused by this environmental catastrophe has plunged the planet into sub-zero temperatures and covered its remaining inhabitants under unprecedented amounts of snow. Jacon soon discovers a snow-buried church and bands together with the inhabitants within, each contributing to the group’s overall survival by utilizing their individually unique skills to survive. A radio transmission is then received by the group promising rescue in 30 days, pushing the survivors on in their quest to stay alive.
Here’s the fact sheet:
In 30 days, help is coming.
A mysterious radio transmission claims that help is inbound. You are Jacob Solomon: leader of a makeshift team trying to survive the aftermath of a devastating asteroid collision. The world you once knew is no more – buried deep beneath the constant snowfall. Your goal: keep your companions alive until rescue.
- Rescue-minus 30 days:
- Rediscover the survival genre: strategize in a bid to lower the Rescue Timer.
- Lead your team to survival:
- Provide for your team and unite your skills in a freezing struggle for life.
- An immersive and unpredictably hostile world:
- Outlast a hazardous winter brought to life by a unique artistic direction.
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.