Ubisoft has unveiled Watch Dogs 2‘s “Bounty Hunter” mode, an online component which “seamlessly integrated” with the single-player experience.
Get the details below.
A new approach to online play in Watch Dogs 2, the Bounty Hunter mode is tied to the police heat system and playable by two to four players. When a player creates too much chaos in the single player open world experience and is pursued by the police, the conflict may trigger a Bounty Hunter PVP event pitting the target against up to three rival hunter players who seamlessly join the pursuit and try to neutralize the target. Additionally, players can manually trigger a bounty on themselves using the Contacts app on Marcus’ in-game phone.
Another online mode players can experience is Hacking Invasion, a fan-favorite from the original Watch Dogs, the objective of this PVP mode is to download data from a target player while remaining undetected. Finally, Online Co-op allows two players to team up seamlessly and lets them explore the San Francisco Bay Area or participate in cooperative missions. Also in co-op, players can also participate in Hacking Invasion and Bounty Hunter activities, adding even more depth and excitement to their seamless online experience.
In Watch Dogs 2, hacking is the ultimate weapon, and players can not only hack into the city’s infrastructure, but also every person and any connected device they possess, to trigger unpredictable chains of events. With the ability to take control of drones, cars, cranes, security robots and much more at their disposal, players can choose whether to use stealth hacking to complete missions without killing a single enemy or go guns blazing for a more ferocious approach.
Watch Dogs 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 15.
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