Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii shared new details on Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time during a CEDEC 2016 presentation today.
As far as development progress goes, Dragon Quest XI‘s scenario has been completed in its entirety, and right now they’re implementing maps and scenarios and such into the game, which are said to be at the stage where you can get an impression of them, though the details are still being filled out.
Both Horii and Square Enix‘s Yosuke Saito had a five-to-six-hour business meeting yesterday, and while the check of an episode took three hours, various other ideas came into discussion.
These checks involved the response speed, which they carried out in the 3DS version’s 3D mode, and once the specifications are solidified, the same will be applied to the 3DS version’s 2D mode and the PlayStation 4 version. It also seems like they did battle checks for the PlayStation 4 version.
As a final bonus, Horii confirmed that Dragon Quest XI will have a casino, as well as implement the “Spell of Restoration.” The Spell of Restoration was only ever used in the NES and MSX versions of Dragon Quest I and II as a password save system. As said by Horii, including it is very much a “30th anniversary-ish thing.” Unfortunately, he didn’t share details as to how it will be used.
Dragon Quest XI is in development for 3DS, PlayStation 4, and was most recently confirmed for NX.
Thanks, Game Watch.