Rainbow Moon coming to PlayStation Vita
EastAsiaSoft RPG jumping to handheld with cross-save support.
EastAsiaSoft and SideQuest Studios are bringing Rainbow Moon, its July-launched PlayStation Network strategy RPG, to PlayStation Vita in 2013.
The PlayStation Vita version will “most likely be a direct port” of the PlayStation 3 version, according to EastAsiaSoft’s Nils Ngai, but will feature cross-save support with its console counterpart.
The decision to release the game on the handheld was “because of the game’s success on the PlayStation 3 and really strong user feedback.” EastAsiaSoft is working on pricing options for owners of the PlayStation 3 version, stressing while they “can’t afford to do a completely free download for all buyers of the PS3 game,” they “won’t be charging double the price” if you’re looking to buy both versions.
Thanks, IGN.