Pit People

Release Dates
(Xbox One, PC) Early Access
Jan 13 2017
(Xbox One, PC) Worldwide
Mar 2 2018
Official Website

Pit People is a turn-based strategy role-playing video game developed and published by The Behemoth.


Master your destiny in this strategic game of positioning!

A full cast of tragically unique heroes will rise together from the Pit. Master your destiny as you plot their course of action across an apocalyptic wonderland!

In our fast-paced, turn-based, cooperative adventure you’ll quest and explore, find awesome loot, customize your fighters, and recruit strange species. Rally your troops and steel your wits if you hope to survive a hostile world filled with sinister robots, deadly vampires and brutally adorable cupcake people!

Key Features

  • Single-player Story Mode.
  • Two-player cooperative story (local and online).
  • Local two-versus-two Arena.
  • Four players for two-versus-two in The Pit (online).
  • Signature The Behemoth art style and humor.
  • Over 1,500 unlocks and over 100 quests and missions.

Insane / Permadeath Modes Available

Make your experience extra special with Permadeath!

  • Realistic Death Simulation – Dead characters are dead forever and can’t be brought back, even if you need them to complete the story!* Whoops!
  • Detailed Obituaries – Fondly remember your fallen heroes, including key details such as their name, level and how many times they killed for you!
  • Save Gold – Never buy another resurrection potion, because they’re totally disabled and useless!
  • Complimentary Save Destruction – Your saved game will be permanently destroyed if you run out of characters in your house! Free of charge!

Choose Permadeath today and face the very real possibility that your family and friends will forever question your judgement as you spend your life wondering why you made such a drastic decision without consulting others.

Pit People News

Pit People Trailers