Mighty No. 9 will get its first downloadable content in the form of a new stage and rival boss character named Ray if Comcept is able to raise another $190,000 in funding via “slacker backers” by the end of 2014, the company announced.
If all the funding is gathered, everyone who backed Mighty No. 9 will get the bonus content free sometime during summer 2015.
Comcept stretches that “none of the developers have or would begin working in earnest on this DLC until their work is done on the Mighty No. 9 retail release.”
As far as the new character goes, Ray is essentially Mighty No. 9‘s version of Mega Man‘s Zero. He is “a lone wolf character with no siblings” and “a robot with a big hole in its chest where its essential core should be.” The hole signifies Ray is “slowly deteriorating over time.” He has the same absorption ability as Beck, but is vampire-like in that he needs to absorb other robots to survive. Given this, half of his face has crumbled away, in addition to his right horn and parts of his cloak.