
Kyoryu is an action adventure video game developed and published by Floating Rock Studio.


You are a young, genetically modified, son of a samurai T-Rex in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, torn between his fascination for humanity’s ruins and obeying his overprotective father.

Be stealthy and intelligent as you overcome obstacles.

Be agile and sharp as you fight to survive.

Explore and interact with the world’s inhabitants and breathe in scenic futuristic skyscrapers alongside traditional temples overgrown with lush vegetation.

Instinct vs. Intellect as a core conflict in a world where dinosaurs are slowly reverting back to their primal instincts.

Discover the depths of an emotional narrative with epic cinematic cut scenes.

Benjamin Mulot created Kyoryu, an ode to his late father and the relationship they built over dinosaurs, with Floating Rock Studio’s small and mighty team in New Zealand.

Kyoryu Trailers