Shuuhou Imai hints at cancelled Tokyo Majin Gakuen: Teisenchou release, Kenpuuchou and Genhouchu remasters
Return of Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki?
The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Shuuhou Imai, known for the Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki visual novel series, who said he wants to “soon” release Tokyo Majin Gakuen: Teisenchou, which was a new entry in the series that was announced for DS in 2008, but cancelled in 2010.
Additionally, Imai hinted that the previous Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki games will be remastered, saying, “If we release Teisenchou, I think we will also remaster Kenpuuchou and Gehouchou to suit that platform. Not for handheld—for home console.”
Imai added, “[Character designer] Michi Kobayashi and [composer] Takashi Niita are always coming to me telling me they want to do it, so everyone please wait for it.”
Thanks, Ryokutya2089.