Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match details Hillside and Karl battles
More screenshots of the PlayStation 4 anime tank shooter.
Bandai Namco has released new information and screenshots introducing more of the battles that will appear in “Post-Mortem” story mode of the upcoming Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match for PlayStation 4.
Get the details below.
■ Post-Mortem Mode
Each character looks back on the story of the movie from their own perspective. Today’s update will introduce the beginning of the story. In efforts to create a promotional video that compiles all of their battles to date, the girls of Ooarai Girls High School call upon the characters that appeared in the movie to look back on its battles.
Hillside (Wetlands)
The fated match between Ooarai Girls High School and the University Selection Team. Team Dandelion, with squad commander Miho Nishizumi and overall commander Darjeeling, tries to tip the scales in their favor by directing Team Sunflower to high ground. A cautious battle unfolds until Team Sunflower reaches high ground, but that is just what University Selection Team commander Alice Shimada wanted…
—Miho Nishizumi’s Perspective
—Darjeeling’s Perspective
Hillside (Retreating Battle)
Team Sunflower, which reached high ground, are hit with the strong bombardment of a Karl-Gerat mortar and forced to withdraw. During this devastating crisis, the tanks of Pravda Girls High School one-by-one become shields to try to protect overall commander Katyusha, and are defeated. The M26 Pershing heavy tank approaches from behind. Experience the rainy retreating battle from the perspective of Katyusha.
—Katyusha’s Perspective
Karl Battle (Mika’s Perspective)
In order to contain the bombardment of the Karl-Gerat mortar from overhead, the Acorn Platoon, which is composed of four tanks including Hetzer and Jatkosota High School’s BT-42, takes formation. In the escort are three M26 Pershing heavy tanks. It is clear that there is no chance of victory by fighting on the front lines. However, they put their trust in a strategy proposed by Duck Team and commenced operation. Jatkosota High School’s BT-42 will show off its phenomenal mobility.
Girls und Panzer: Dream Tank Match is due out for PlayStation 4 on February 22, 2018 in Japan, and with English subtitles on February 27 in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia).