Famitsu this week has a new interview with Final Fantasy XV director Hajime Tabata, who teases that female guest characters might join Final Fantasy XV‘s all-male party. The director also discusses reception to the Episode Duscae demo released with early copies of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD earlier this month.
Get the quotes below.
How about female characters in the party?
“It’s possible we’ll have female characters join the party as guests. But since it’s an all-mate party, when you have a female character as a guest, their behavior might change because a woman is around.”
There were many requests to improve the battle system…
“The battle system from the demo is about 50 percent complete. I want to level-headedly respond to requests for improvement.
“The full retail version will have things like magic and co-op chains, which I feel will really freshen up how players approach combat.
“Because Ramuh has special specifications in the demo, there will be systematic improvements in the full release.”
Outside of the interview, Famitsu also conducted an Episode Duscae player satisfaction survey. According to its results, more than 70 percent of players were either “satisfied” or “very satisfied,” while about 20 percent were “dissatisfied” to “somewhat dissatisfied.”
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.